Amoeba’s Lorica: Diabolical Lexicographer (Self-Esteem)

SELF-ESTEEM, n. Self-idolization, self-deification, self-worship. Exaltation of the ‘sacred I’ in disregard, nay defiance, of the fact that We are clay, from which We are created and to which We shall return, having contributed to it the stench of our decay.

The heathen proclaim to you that the worth of those who perform well at tasks they enjoy, for which they have a ‘passion’, is beyond the count of the stars in the heavens.

But I proclaim to you that the worth of such persons is as empty as the vast spaces between the stars. For who would not do as they like, even if it destroy all around them? I say instead that those who may have worth perform well at tasks that society welcomes but they themselves loathe and despise – and then only if they conceal their loathing from all, including themselves, at all times.


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Amoeba’s Lorica: Meme-ories 59 (Shame no. 2)

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Amoeba’s Lorica: Meme-ories 58 (Shame no. 1)

We have sinned. We, the Responsible Citizens who’ve felt ourselves superior because we’ve been well-to-do and what we thought was ‘educated’, Mr Jessup. We have been warned. We elected Mr Trump and his compatriots anyway. Twice. The 6th of January 2021 notwithstanding (for shame! for fucking shame!!!). We have not removed them. We have not even made life difficult for them. There is no escape. There is no excuse. This is who We are. All of us.

How, even at this 11th hour, can We the People atone for this sin? Before we finally acquiesce to the bystander society that we are becoming? Before We are deservedly wiped off the face of the planet by our betters around the globe, without trace, without reflection, without remorse?

There may be a way. If We the People have the will, and the staying power, for it. We are [ahem] encouraged to accept the premise that Mr Trump and his cronies will run the USA ‘as a business’. We are reminded that businesses are dependent upon customers, that the way to bring down a business that does not satisfy customers is for those customers to refuse to do business with it.

Those of We the People who wish to absolve themselves of all blame, of all shame, for what is happening to Us, proclaim that We are merely doing what ‘the billionaires’ are forcing us to do. The situation is exactly the opposite. ‘The billionaires’ do exactly what We the People tell them to do. Or they go bankrupt.

The fault is not theirs. They are doing exactly what We would do in their shoes.

The fault is Ours.

There are reports that Trump’s billionaire Russian would-be oligarchs are suffering the consequences of their support for King Donald, as consumers deny them their business. If this were to continue, with evidence that it was taking place in the USA, and not just in that rest of the world that We are going out of our way to piss off …

There are, however, also news items on the occasion of the 5th anniversary, this month (March 2025), of the onset of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. With their accounts of how well, and how long, We the People put up with personal deprivations of any kind whatsoever.


Never mind.

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, current events, Meme-ories, We the People | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment