What Did They Say Was Circling?


” … zzzzuuhmglzzuhhWha …?”

“What do you get when you go around in academic circles?”

Dizzy, dude. Especially when you can’t get no sleep.”

Sorry, dude. But you did look awful funny, with your nose pressed up against the laptop screen like that.”


“Not to mention those long strings of $$$$$$$$$##########$$$$$$$$$$$$^^^^^^^^^^^ in that report you’re writing.”

“Long strings of wha … AAAAACK!”

“You’d probably be more comfortable resting your head on a pillow. In a bed. You remember beds?

“Yeah, yeah, dude. I’ll get there. Wednesday.”

“Remember when you were telling me about ‘publish or perish’, dude?”

“Yeah …?”

“I didn’t think you meant literally! Did you …?”

– O Ceallaigh
Copyright © 2009 Felloffatruck Publications. All wrongs deplored.
All opinions are mine as a private citizen.

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5 Responses to What Did They Say Was Circling?

  1. Doug says:

    I miss Billy Preston, but I’m glad they stopped his ‘fro.

  2. melli says:

    LOL at Doug!!!

    OC… you have some weeeeeeird stuff goes on inside that head!

    • The Amoeba says:

      You remind me of the writer who was quoted on Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac radio program as saying, “In order to be a writer, you have to encourage the kind of thinking that other people pay handsomely to get rid of.” Thanks. I think.

  3. Quilly says:

    Well, sleeping on your keyboard explains all those square wrinkles on your face ….

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