Monthly Archives: May 2013

Dude and Dude: Neptune In the Sky With Diamonds

“Wow, dude! Just wow!” “Yeah? What’cha got, dude?” “Dig this, dude! It’s rainin’ diamonds on Uranus.” “What?!?” “I said, ‘it’s rainin’ diamonds on Uranus’. Dude.” “Not.” “Not not.” “Not not not, dude! I know these things personally!” “Ya do?” “Yeah! … Continue reading

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Dude and Dude: Callin’ Out The Marine

“Advice from the ocean, dude?” “Why not, dude? Ever’body else ‘z got somethin’ ta say. Ocean’s bigger ‘n all of ’em, maybe we oughta listen.” “Sorry, dude, I just don’ see it.” “Aarrggh. Look, dude, ain’t nobody said ya had … Continue reading

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