“Want a free student?”
“Dunno, dude, is she hot?”
“Wow …”
“From runnin’ away from you!”
“Then what’re ya askin’ me fer, dude?!? As if you could do better. Not. What’re ya on about?”
“Just readin’ tha sign, dude.”
“What sign?”
“Tha one at tha top a tha page, dude.”
“WhOAH, dude! Talk ’bout disrespectin’. Pay four bucks fer vanilla an’ throw a student into tha deal? That’s harsh. Couldn’t they have done, like, puppies ‘r kittens instead?”
“They wouldn’t be free.”
“Why not?”
“Ya gotta feed ’em.”
“An’ tha students?”
“Ya work it right, they feed you!”
“Not if’n they cook like you do, dude …”
“Same as you, dude! B’sides, y’weren’t worried ’bout no cookin’ when ya thought I was offerin’ ya a hottie!”
“That’s different, dude, and you know it!”
“An’ then ya wake up, dude. Ya know, we could be gettin’ this all wrong.”
“Them students could be free like, ya know, butterflies are free. Maybe that’s what they meant?”
“No, dude. Just no.”
“Why not?”
“Ya got any idea how much debt these peeps ‘r carryin’? They gonna be luggin’ that ball an’ chain ’til their grandkids ‘r old. If’n they can afford ta have any. They gonna be free like lead balloons, dude.”
It is hard to soar with eagles when you’re uneducated, but an eagle in debt has to flap a lot harder than one who’s unencumbered.
yeah …