Monthly Archives: December 2013

Christmas 2013: Day 1

“Merry Christmas, dude!” “Again?! Dammit, dude, we do this every year!” “Um … yeah?” “So ain’t this Christmas chick found somebody else yet? I ain’t never met her, an’ all I know ’bout her is she oughta be way old … Continue reading

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Reg and Syd: Divesting Your Nose To Spite Your Face

“Did you see this, Reg?” “Curious, Syd. The state of California is giving away free fossils?” “Right. You know as well as I do that the state of California’s in no position to give anything away. No, they’re kicking out … Continue reading

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Dude and Dude: Dude’s Got a Beef

“So how’d ya enjoy yer sirloin, dude?” “Gnarly, dude! OC an’ Q oughta take us out ta dinner more often, yeah?” “Yeah!” “But …” “But what?” “I didn’t see no vampires, dude. I wuz sure there’d be vampires.” “Huh?!?” “Y’sed … Continue reading

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