Or, why We the People of these Untied States can’t have good things, or make a plausible case that We are fit for self-government.
Amoeba’s IMO:
No polity, or society, can long survive against external pressures, or its own internal ructions, if its members are focused entirely on themselves, and ignore the common good. Milton Friedman be damned.
Amoeba’s Lorica: Meme-ories 17 (Profiteers)
Or, why We the People of these Untied States can’t have good things, or make a plausible case that We are fit for self-government.
Amoeba’s IMO:
No polity, or society, can long survive against external pressures, or its own internal ructions, if its members are focused entirely on themselves, and ignore the common good. Milton Friedman be damned.
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