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Monthly Archives: March 2020
Dude and Dude: Context
“Fifteen billion clams a day spent on healthcare, dude?!?” “That’s whut it sez there, yeah? An’ it don’ even count tha fer-profit stuff.” “An’ it ain’t enuff?!?” “Not tha way ya hear peeps bitch an’ moan ’bout it. An’ that … Continue reading
Posted in current events, Dude and Dude, health, satire, We the People
Tagged coronavirus outbreak, economic (un)sustainability, Gift/Doom of Men, health care expense, Lord of the Rings, Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, worldometer
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Amoeba’s Lorica: Drilled
Darren’s computer chimed, for at least the fourteenth time that hour. The sentence that he had just worked out in his head for the report he was writing, due at the end of the day, vanished into the nevernever. Again. … Continue reading
Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, computers, current events, satire, We the People
Tagged breakdown in social discipline, cleanliness, coronavirus outbreak, hallucinations, telecommuting, white glove test
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He and She: Once Upon A Telecommute
She: “Come to lunch!” He: “OK …” She: “… um … are you working?” He: “Yes.” She: “Well, you could have told me that you were too busy to stop for lunch right now.” He: “I could have, but I … Continue reading
Posted in current events, He and She, humor
Tagged coronavirus pandemic, funny dialogues, puns, spouse vs spouse, wordplay, working from home
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