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Monthly Archives: August 2021
Dude and Dude: The Lamebda Variant
“I don’ get it, dude.” “Don’ get what, dude?” “This lambda variant a tha coronavirus, dude.” “An’ yer unhappy ’bout this fer why? I sez ya figger out whut’s runnin’ through yer veins, bottle that sauce an’ sell it, an’ … Continue reading
Amoeba’s Lorica: A Dawn in the Life
A work of fiction, standard disclaimers. So what if you, a Western-style middle class individual, wake up one morning, and most of the Industrial Revolution and post-Industrial Revolution conveniences that you take for granted are gone …? Leonard opened his … Continue reading
Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, Hawai'i, We the People
Tagged dystopia, life without modern conveniences, slavery