Category Archives: Quilly

Amoeba’s Lorica: A Star in a Chessboard Sky

Originally posted on Good Friday, 2006 CE – alternatively, year 1 BQ (Before Quilldancer) – on the now long-defunct Felloffatruck Publications blog. Discovered while Your Friendly Neighborhood Amoeba was researching the past – the past when Quilly was content to … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, personal thoughts, Quilly | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Dude and Dude: Heartless

WHITE’S STATEMENT Don’t lose heart. OWEN’S COMMENTARY ON WHITE’S STATEMENT … they might want to cut it out … BYRD’S ADDITION TO OWEN’S COMMENTARY ON WHITE’S STATEMENT … and they want to avoid a lengthy search. ============================================== “Dude?” “Yeah?” “This, … Continue reading

Posted in current events, Dude and Dude, humor, Quilly | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

He and She: Running a Racket

He and She were enjoying a late-evening snack … She: “I didn’t expect you to serve me.” He: “Happy to do it, love. And I’ll even be gentle. A nice little lob. Just don’t get it into your head that … Continue reading

Posted in he said-she said, humor, Quilly, romance | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment